Saturday, April 20, 2024


Vegan Myths Debunked

Myth 1: Being Vegan is Expensive Yes, prepackaged foods can be pretty much expensive, vegan or not.  The basic staples of a vegan diet—whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, veggies, and...

It’s not a Diet, It’s a Lifestyle

At first, the journey to becoming healthier may seem VERY daunting, having to cut out all your favourite foods to lose weight and live...

Veganism: A Trial by Fire

My relationship with food had always been a difficult and complex one. I have never quite had a true balance. I found myself gravitating...

Best Ways to Recycle Effectively

If you are an environmentalist, then you will agree with me that recycling is paramount in ensuring a better environment. But the entire concept...

What to Watch on Netflix: Seaspiracy

I have not watched anything in recent times that has moved me as much as Seaspiracy. It is a documentary about the environmental impact...

To Thrift or Not to Thrift

That is the question! The short answer is yes but the reason is much more complicated than that. Thrifting has certainly become more popular with...

Upcycled: The Gift of a New Life

The first thing I upcycled was Spooner: a bottle opener fashioned from Silver plated spoons. I had gone back to University to do a...

Technology and Sustainability: Let’s Break it Down

The leading causes of climate change in the world are deforestation, burning fossil fuels like gas, coal, and oil to get energy, industrial processes,...

Critical Veganism, What have We Learnt?

By Eshe Kiama Zuri (They/them)   The history of modern veganism started in 1944 when Donald Watson founded The Vegan Society. Since then veganism has spread...


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