I have not watched anything in recent times that has moved me as much as Seaspiracy. It is a documentary about the environmental impact of fishing that was released on Netflix on March 24, 2021. This was directed by Ali Tabrizi. The film highlights the effects of plastic marine debris and overfishing around the world and argues “that commercial fisheries are the main driver of marine ecosystem destruction”.
It rejects the concept of sustainable fishing and criticises several marine conservation organisations, including the Earth Island Institute and its dolphin-safe label and the seafood certifications of the Marine Stewardship Council. Seaspiracy proposes marine reserves and the elimination of fish consumption. The documentary also covers modern slavery within the fishing industry and hinted at the link between illegal international fishing and the Ebola outbreak in Africa.
I watched this over 3 days as I found many of the issues raised affected me emotionally. I would highly recommend it as it would serve as an eye-opener for many.