Thursday, April 18, 2024

Vegan Myths Debunked


Myth 1: Being Vegan is Expensive

Yes, prepackaged foods can be pretty much expensive, vegan or not.  The basic staples of a vegan diet—whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, veggies, and fruits are almost always affordable. All in all, a vegan diet is inexpensive.

Myth 2: You Don’t Get Enough Protein When you’re Vegan

Vegans get a whole load of plant-based protein from ofada rice, guinea corn, oats, quinoa, tempeh, beans, spinach, tofu, lentils, broccoli, nuts, seeds, and more. Protein is the so-called “building block of life” that keeps you full longer, gives you energy, and helps you build muscle. And a vegan diet provides enough for your body to use.

Myth 3: Being Vegan is Restrictive

Vegan eating isn’t restrictive, it breeds creativity. It opens your mind to so many food options and possibilities which could include trying new flavors, spices, and cooking methods.
Myth 4: There are no Health Benefits to Veganism
A vegan diet has been proven to lower risks for chronic illnesses like breast, lung, prostate, and stomach cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. A vegan diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight and lower your cholesterol. Myth busted.

Myth 5: Being Vegan is Too Hard

Making a lifestyle change and getting to eat a different kind of way can be a bit of a challenge. But once you stick with the plan, a vegan diet can become second nature to you. And the more you learn about veganism, and its benefits to humanity, the easier it is to navigate a vegan lifestyle and keep moving forward.

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