Thursday, April 18, 2024

Best Ways to Recycle Effectively


If you are an environmentalist, then you will agree with me that recycling is paramount in ensuring a better environment. But the entire concept of how to recycle remains unclear to many people around the world. However, the tips I am about to share below on recycling will shed some light on most of your concerns.

1. Know What Is Recyclable

Begin by identifying all your recyclable items. These include paper, aluminium, glass, metals, and rigid plastics such as water bottles, detergent jugs, and milk jugs.  However, do not be tempted to dispose of these items while still in a plastic bag. Doing so increases the time needed to sort these items.

2. Know Which Items Are Accepted

This points ties closely with the point above. Read and understand your region’s rules on what can be put in your recycling bins. Some items such as clothes, toys, batteries, wood, and electronics are not recyclable and shouldn’t be thrown into recycling bins.

3. Ensure All the Recyclables Are Dry

Double-check every item you bring to the recycle bin to ensure that it’s dry and empty. That’s because wet contents such as food and drinks end up destroying the entire contents of the waste bin, making them unfit to recycle.

As a result, all these would-be-useful items find their way to the dumpsite, only causing worse effects to Mother Nature. As a general rule of thumb, ensure all products you take for recycling are clean enough to be reused.

4. Fix Instead Of Replacing

Some household items such as electronics, computers, and cell phones are not recyclable. More often than not, you may be tempted to replace these electronics in case they stop working. But if you want what’s best for the environment, consider repairing these items.

If you feel you need a new gadget, consider gifting it to a needy person. Some repair stores even offer to buy broken-down electronics for less, which they repair and resell.

5. Buy Recycled Goods

The whole point of recycling is that, instead of dumping an item to the dumpsites, the item is reused, reducing the need to extract more raw materials. It’s thus crucial that you support this cycle by choosing recycled goods over new ones.

6. Choose Items That Are Recyclable When Making Purchases

Most trash is caused by single-use items such as aluminium foils, wraps, cling film, and more. Thus, its best that before you can buy any packaged item, think about whether you can reuse the packaging. Ensure you choose items with a recycling potential.

7. If Unsure, Trash It

If you’re uncertain whether an item is recyclable or not, throw it in your trash can. That’s because if it is unrecyclable, it will eventually find its way to a landfill. The only difference is that when tossed in a recycling bin, unrecyclable materials end up costing recycling companies a lot of time trying to sort them.

Each one of us has a role to play in ensuring the success of the entire recycling chain. Always sort your recyclables from unrecyclable items and confirm all items you throw into the recycling bin are clean. Finally, read your local recycling guidelines for a guide on the recommended recycling practices.

Nena Ubani
Nena Ubani
Editor in Chief

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