Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Meet Nasheed Lonu: The Whale Rescuer


Not all heroes wear capes. To say Nasheed Lonu is a hero, is an understatement. I first heard about Lonu when the video of him rescuing a distressed whale shark went viral. I reached out to him and we were able have a chat despite his busy schedule. Here is what I learnt about him:

He is a Nuclear Physicist and owner of Fuvamulah Tiger Shark Dive. He started diving in 2013 and was the first diver in Fuvamulah. He started diving because of his fascination of sharks. He knew there were a lot of sharks in Fuvamulah because he knew a long time ago his people ate them. 35 years ago the government put a ban on shark eating.

He would like to encourage everyone to cut down the use of plastics and fish consumption to reduce the amount of lethal nets, debris, and traps that plague our oceans.

To keep up with his many underwater adventures, follow him on Instagram @sharkislanddive

Nena Ubani
Nena Ubani
Editor in Chief

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