Thursday, April 18, 2024

Meet King Cook: The Laotian Chef who Loves West African Flavours


Chef King Cook isn’t one to be afraid of experimenting with global flavours as his professional career started over 2 decades ago.

West African Groundnut Stew meets South East Asian Lemongrass curry with pea flower Basmati rice


Although King is classically trained in the kitchen his Love affair for ethnic and world foods fascinated me.
Born and raised In multicultural East London King was exposed to West African Cuisine through his friends late mother’s homemade Nigerian cooking in the 90’s. His appreciation for West African flavours reflects in his style of cooking to this very day, King is no stranger to making Egusi soup with pounded yam and cooking party Jollof rice for the masses.

Jollof rice and fried Plantain

When he is not making West African dishes, you can find him whipping up delicious meals at his London-based restaurant chain , Cookdaily. A vibrant spot for the more adventurous vegans.

Pepper stew with Fresh Yam rolls

Checked out his take on Egusi Soup below

Nena Ubani
Nena Ubani
Editor in Chief

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