Thursday, April 18, 2024

Danny Longlegz: How Veganism Changed My Life



Probably the most common question I get is “What made you go Vegan” I usually answer by saying, “Eating animals is weird, fam” people either laugh or look confused. After eating all kinds of meat and salt fish from birth, and curry goat being my favourite food, I never imagined myself making this lifestyle change. I assumed animals were made for us to eat.

However, after reading Nutricide and various conversations with my local butcher, I finally decided to give up meat and dairy, and go Vegan. I started having fruit bowls for breakfasts. My lunch was rice and grilled vegetables and for dinner a massive salad with more grilled vegetables.

I have now been Vegan for five years, and I believe it is the best decision I have ever made. Before going Vegan, I would feel bloated daily due to dairy products, have awful spots and suffer from asthma. Now, I am free from dairy troubles. I never made any connection to these issues and the food I was consuming. Veganism has benefited my skin, gut and my overall health. Now, I do not have to feel guilty about animals suffering when I eat.

Furthermore, Veganism is more than just a diet, it is about the impact it has on the environment and agriculture. Most people like myself are animal lovers. We just never made the connection between them and what we ate.

Indeed, Veganism has changed my life, because now, I feel stronger physically, emotionally and spiritually. This lifestyle change is sustainable for me, you and the planet.


Daniel Grant

Instagram handle: dannylonglegz

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