Sunday, January 26, 2025

1 Amazing Vegan Story: I Went Vegan After Watching Cowspiracy

An amazing vegan story you should read!!


For 34 years of my life, I, like most people, ate Animal products until I went vegan. One afternoon, I saw the documentary “Cowspiracy,” and I had no idea my life would change forever. This documentary exposes the immense negative impact consuming Animal products has on the environment. At the time, I considered myself to be environmentally conscious, but I had no idea my diet was so bad for the environment, and once I did, I immediately stopped eating animal products. As I adapted to this new diet, I began to do more research, and I learned about the cruelty of Animal agriculture.

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I watched videos from Gary Yourofsky, Earthling Ed, and Banana Warrior Princess, and I realized that animal exploitation extends into using Animals for entertainment, clothing, experimentation, labor, etc… and I knew that I had to begin to speak out against all forms of animal exploitation.

This led me to embark on Animal activism in my community, online and participating with various Animal rights organizations to help bring about Animal liberation and fight against all forms of oppression.

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I became vegan for a variety of reasons, but the heart of why I became vegan was because I no longer wanted to contribute to the suffering of innocent beings. Before becoming vegan, I never fully grasped how my diet and actions contributed to the suffering of others, and when I did, I realized it did not match my ethics. We must remember that we are all Animals, and for us to end all forms of oppression and inequality, we need to extend our circle of compassion to include all Animals, both humans and non-humans.

Name: Christopher Eubanks

Occupation: Animal Right Activist

Social Media: @soul_eubanks

Daniella Oshiame
Daniella Oshiame
Daniella Obuwan Oshiame is a Freelance Vegan, Health & Nutrition Writer, with a Diploma in Diet and Nutrition and 4 other Certifications in Health & Nutrition-related Fields, Namely; Eating Disorders, Digestion and Detoxification, Weight Control Management, and Diet and Nutrition. Daniella uses her writing as a leading generation tool to revive & spark up health blogs for better recognition! Work With Me Today!! 😊

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