Thursday, April 18, 2024

How to Use And Prepare Sea Moss


One of the things I started using to boost my immune system during the pandemic was Seamoss. I had always wanted to try it but did not because I had no idea how to use it. I took a chance and ordered some online and 3 days after I started taking Seamoss, I immediately started noticing how much better I felt.  I have listed some benefits below as to why I highly recommend that you incorporate seamoss in your diet.

Promotes a healthy thyroid
Supports a healthy heart
Supports a healthy immune system
Promotes good digestion
Improves metabolism
Helps maintain a healthy weight
Supports hair, skin, and nails
Great for post-workout recovery
Improves libido

How to Prepare Seamoss

Wash preferred amount seamoss to remove salt and debris.

Repeat a few times.
Soak for 6-24 hours in spring water.
Once double in size, drain and rinse well.
Add 5/10g of soaked seamoss into smoothies.

For gel add a handful into the blender with spring water until a smooth paste is formed.
Keep refrigerated and store in a glass jar.
Lasted for up to 3 weeks in gel form.
Last 3 months dried

In addition to these numerous benefits, Seamoss is said to contains 92 minerals of the 102 minerals that the body consists of.

Where I buy my seamoss and source: Livity

Nena Ubani
Nena Ubani
Editor in Chief

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